As we move into the second year of our Lift Off partnership with MM Electrical Mining & Industrial Suppliers, it is apparent that the Rockhampton team are willing to go the extra mile when it comes to supporting RACQ CapRescue and their community.
Last year, when the global pandemic was taking a substantial toll on our service, MM Rockhampton stepped up and supported the fundraising campaigns that we were able to go ahead with. Our charity duck race, normally held at the Boyne Tannum Hook Up was forced to go virtual which presented a few challenges for our volunteers – including the opportunity to sell tickets to attendees at the event. In response, MMEM&IS purchased ducks in the name of each of their customers, which provided a tremendous boost to our event. In September they put their hand up again and treated their staff to a table at our annual RACQ CapRescue Degustation, our largest fundraiser for the year.
Their initiative and eagerness to support RACQ CapRescue has been outstanding and continues to shine throughout our partnership. Manager of MM Electrical Mining & Industrial Suppliers, Paul Lawrence says his team are proud to be one of our “Lift Off” partners. “This important service provides much needed medical and rescue coverage to the locations that our customers and their families work, live and play in. This includes townships located in the Southern Bowen Basin, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Capricorn Coast and surrounding areas.” Mr Lawrence says.
The generosity and continued growth of our valued partnerships with local businesses such as MM Rockhampton, are vital to the longevity of RACQ CapRescue, ensuring that we can be there for the people who need us the most. We thank MM Electrical Mining & Industrial Suppliers for their ongoing support and look forward to continuing our partnership in the future.