This year’s Dental Health Week message from the Australian Dental Association, focuses on the importance of taking steps to care for your teeth and gums, helping to keep your teeth and smile for life.
Having confidence in your smile means the same to all of us, no matter how young or old.
The entire team at Lupton Stewart Orthodontics takes great pride in the delight of a patient, when they finish treatment and take their first look in a mirror. They welcome you to make a consultation time to visit, consider your options and likely discover that gaining that confident smile might be easier than you thought.
We thank the Rockhampton branch of ADAQ and Lupton Stewart Orthodontics for supporting #RACQ #CapRescue as a valued Rescue300 Members! Join the club that saves lives and the other Central Queensland Businesses keeping the community safe. Contact Kim – [email protected] about Rescue300 today.