Since 2012, Annie’s Day Charity Golf Day has been an event included in the calendars of Blackwater residents each year. Eager to raise awareness and vital funds for RACQ CapRescue, organisers Sharon and Jo understand how incredibly important our service is to the Blackwater community and its residents.
This year, organisers were thrilled to present a cheque of over $25,000 to RACQ CapRescue after another successful event.
RACQ CapRescue Community Fundraising Officer, Caitlin Buttenshaw, congratulated organisers on their continued efforts, which has provided immense support to the Service.
“Tremendous and tireless work has been put in by the whole committee. Words cannot describe how grateful we are to be the beneficiaries of such a well supported community event.”
“In the nine years the Blackwater Country Club has hosted the Annie’s Day Charity Golf Day, over $120,000 has been donated to our local organisation, which can be attributed to thousands of Central Queenslander’s lives being saved.” Miss Buttenshaw said.
The Annie’s Day Charity Golf Day was recently nominated for the Community Event of the Year 2021. Whilst they didn’t walk away with the title, organisers were humbled by the recognition of their strong community-mindedness.