Make a difference to someone’s life by joining CapRescue’s Workplace Giving Program.
Highly experienced flight and medical crews are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The demand for our services goes up every year and as a community helicopter rescue provider we rely on donations to raise essential funds.
StepUp Workplace Giving is a payroll contribution program that gives you the opportunity to have a positive and lasting impact in your local community.
Donations are deducted each pay period directly from your salary. Just work out how much you’d like to contribute, let your payroll department know and get started.
To launch your giving straight away simply send us an enquiry online (select Workplace Giving from the drop down menu) or download and print our Workplace Giving form for your HR team.
We would love to discuss the StepUp Workplace Giving Program with you and your staff at a time that suits you. Contact Tanya Cullen on 07 4922 9093 or [email protected] to arrange a time.